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Company overview

We share a common requirement

Most industries today require bandwidth in volumes most never imagined. From financial institutions to new-media companies, and from Research & Education organizations to service providers who enable connectivity across the board, we have enjoyed success because our platforms address the need for the fastest, highest-capacity and most agile networks available.

Connectivity is critical

This need for connectivity is shared across industry verticals and across continents. While networks are adapting to enable more advanced infrastructure approaches to sending and receiving data, the fundamental need for access to that data remains. Organizations must transport data to locations both far and near, and they rely on their networks to keep them connected at all times.

Bringing people together

This 24x7 requirement for network connectivity makes us tick. We employ over 1,700 professionals around the globe who have developed an understanding that networks must enable always-on applications that fuel our industries and that keep us entertained. Behind every network is a community of people with a need to communicate. Connecting people is what drives our business.